Sunday, October 30, 2011

upper windows and woodshed(s)

On Saturday we demoed most of the woodshed there on the left.

This required big tools (a couple crowbars, a hammer and a sawsall) and super high-tech gear (we looked really goofy to any soon-to-be neighbors who happened to drive by).

But we figured out what was making the place smell so bad:  dead mice and rotting siding.

And despite the fact that it took three (thank you, R!) people much longer than it would have if we'd been a little less sedentary...

...we did it! 

The contractors are going to finish it up and then build a very basic open porch, so we'll have a clean but protected front porch that will allow some of that western sunlight through the front door.  

Speaking of western light, here's a view of the scrap pile on Friday (it's now about twice as big as this shot, thanks to the remains of the woodshed) and the Adirondacks beyond:



  1. Congrats!! I was showing my parents the blog on Saturday when they came to visit and now they want to come see you when it's done. It's looking so great! And it was nice of the sun to shine down on you while you worked. xo

  2. VERY impressed with all the work you did!! xoxoxo

  3. Can't wait to meet them, Jennifer!

    Mom, you are very sweet -- you would have been proud of us! xoxo
